Keith and Tom's Place

Brrr!  Very cold, its a glacier after all! Athabasca Glacier is one of six glaciers that make up the Columbia Icefield.  Not many pics, weather was not cooperating.  Raining, sleeting and snowing, oh my!  I did take the "youth" challenge and dunked my face into the melting glacier runoff.  Very much just above freezing and stinging cold.  There is also a skywalk; however, unable to see anything on this day.  Sadly, it is estimated that the glacier will be completely gone by 2100 if not sooner.  A tidbit of advice, if the glacier gives way and you fall into it, you must be at least 40 feet down if you stand a chance to get rescued.  More about the Columbia Icefield can be found here.

Columbia Icefield with six Glaciers
Snow Coach, very large!